HMCS Hallowell comfort packages
NOTE: all articles courtesy the Picton Gazette, and are reprinted with permission.

March 29, 1944
The frigate 'Hallowell' was launched yesterday
Wife of Mayor McKibbon Has Honour of Christening Ship at Montreal
At Montreal yesterday, three frigates were launched at the shipyards of Canadian Vickers Ltd., Montreal. One of them bears the name of H.M.C.S. Hallowell, named after that township in Prince Edward County- the name by which Picton was already known.
Since there is already a ship called Picton, that name could not be chosen
The launching took place at five o'clock Tuesday. Representing the town were mayor G. Nesbitt McKibbon and Mrs. McKibbon. Mrs. McKibbon had the honour of christening the new ship.
It has been customary in other centres to form a committee to provide comforts for ships named after centres.
A telegram from Vickers Ltd. invited Reeve R. S. McQuaid and Township Clerk Clarence Mallory
The best known type of ship in the Royal Canadian Navy is probably the "Corvette" the nippy little sub-chaser which is so sturdily built that it can withstand the worst weather in the Atlantic, and which can carry enough fuel to make the trip right across that great ocean.
Some time ago, people began to hear whispers of a new type of corvette. It was to be larger, faster, better armed, and altogether more suitable for the difficult job of protecting merchant ships against both submarines and aircraft. At first this new type of ship was known as the "Super Corvette" but it was later decided to call them "frigates" after the fast, hard-hitting warships of the days of sailing vessels.
Today Canada has a number of frigates at sea, how many we cannot say; but it is a proud thought that these ships, like the corvettes which have done such fine service, were built in Canadian shipyards. For the present not very much can be told of the frigate, except that she is a sort of halfway mark between the destroyer and the corvette: much faster than the corvette, bigger, carrying more guns as well as other secret devices for detecting and destroying submarines.
Another very important advance in this new type of ship is the greater comfort for the crew. The early corvettes were fine for their purpose, but were far from comfortable. In designing the frigate, this was taken into account; and the quarters for both officers and ratings are in every way improved.
One of these days there will be great stories of what the frigates will by then have accomplished. It seems almost certain that these new ships are going to turn out to be the deadliest enemy the submarine has known. True the destroyer is more dangerous to the U-boat than any other type of ship; but the frigate is being built in large enough numbers that it will be feared probably quite as much.
Hallowell is thus honoured by having a frigate named in her honour.

March 31, 1944
Montreal - Three 10,000-ton cargo ships slid into the St. Lawrence River from the ways of United Shipyards here Wednesday. To raise to five the number of launchings in Montreal in 24 hours.
The ships were the Rosedale Park, the Rondeau Park and the Hillcrest Park.
Canadian Vickers launched two frigates, H.M.C.S. Hallowell and H.M.C.S. Stone Town.

April 5, 1944
"We're proud of the men at Vickers," said Mr. J. E. Labelle, President, in the same course of a brief but moving address given between launchings Tuesday evening (March 28th) at Canadian Vickers' shipyards, Montreal. He paid heartfelt tribute to all Vickers' workers and, on their behalf, to the two men whose wives were chosen to act as sponsors at this double launching, which marked the first launchings on the St. Lawrence this season.
Shown above with Mr. Labelle are: Mrs. R. K. Thoman, sponsor of H.M.C.S. "Stone Town", David C. White, Mayor of St. Mary's, Ont., Mrs. John "Paddy" Poole, sponsor of H.M.C.S. "Hallowell" and Nesbitt McKibbon, Mayor of Picton, Ont.
At this point in the reception the sponsors were presented with suitably engraved souvenirs to commemorate the occasion and the guests signed the "Golden Book" seen open on the table.

April 5, 1944
Frigate Launched at Montreal Given Name of Hallowell
Mayor and Mrs. McKibbon Present at Ceremony Stone Town Also Launched, Breaking Records for Season's First Launching
To beat delivery schedules and speed these ships to the sailors who will man them, Canadian Vickers Limited blasted the ice out of their fitting-out basin so that March 25th, at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., two more fighting frigates for the Royal Navy slid down the ways in a double launching which broke two records and equalled a third.
This double ceremony sets a record as the first launchings on the St. Lawrence River this spring. Also it is the earliest date that launchings have ever been made from the famous Vickers' yards. And, finally, it equals the Canadian record of two naval ships going down the ways in a double launching, a record also held by the famous Vickers' shipyards.
The two frigates were christened H.M.C.S. "Hallowell" and H.M.C.S. "Stone Town".
The H.M.C.S. "Hallowell" was named after Hallowell Township in Prince Edward County, Ontario, and sponsored by Mrs. John "Paddy" Poole, wife of the popular foreman burner at Vickers and one of their old employees, having served his apprenticeship at Vickers and was a "passer boy" at the yards in the last war.
The religious ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. Vatcher, of Trinity united Church, Montreal, and H.M.C.S. "Hallowell" Prince Edward County, slid down the ways after Mrs. Poole cut the satin ribbons which released the lever and sent the champagne bottle crashing against the bow in the traditional christening ceremony. Mrs. Nesbitt McKibbon read the dedicatory prayer.
Just one hour later, following a brief but impressive ceremony conducted by the Rev. Father Claude Labrecque, which saw the frigate blessed, the "H.M.C.S. Stone Town" was officially given her name by Mrs. R. K. Thoman, wife of the Superintendent of Engineering Divison at Vickers and the second fighting vessel for the day slid down the ways for complete fitting-out. The name "Stone Town" was chosen to do honour to the ancient name of St. Mary's, Ontario.
During the double ceremonies, at the side of Mr. J. E. Labelle, President Canadian Vickers Limited, stood specially invited guests from St. Mary's Ontario and Hallowell Township. These included David C. White, mayor of St. Mary's J. W. Durr, Town Clerk and F. G. Sanderson, M. P. for St. Mary's district; Nesbitt McKibbon, Mayor of Picton; George J. Tustin, of Napanee, M.P. for Prince-Edward Lennox.
Mayor McKibbon attended a banqet and in a short address expressed appreciation for the honour accorded Hallowell by giving this name to the frigate.
Both launchings were attended by Comdr. J. E. W. Oland, naval officer in charge for Montreal and Comdr. C. H. L. Harrison, of Naval headquarters staff.
Later, at a reception held for the guests Mr. J. E. Labelle, President, presented suitably engraved souvenirs to commemorate the occasion to the sponsors, Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Thoman, thus supplying a happy ending to a record-breaking day.

April 5, 1944
Asks Comforts Be Supplied Frigate
Town Council Receives Request From Naval Minister Re H.M.C.S. Hallowell - Three Tag Days
At town council Monday night, a letter from the Minister of National Defence was read. This asked that some club, group of women, or citizens, provide ship's comforts for H.M.C.S. "Hallowell". Things suggested were a ships bell, books, magazines, extra clothing, of washing machine, radio, or silver for the mess.
The Mayor named Reeve Henley and Councillors Warren and Grindrod a committee to approach the Citizen's Committee re supplying some permanent fixture or fixtures for H.M.C.S. Hallowell.

April 12, 1944
I.O.D.E. To Buy Ship's Bell For The Frigate 'Hallowell'
The Sir Thomas Picton Chapter I.O.D.E. held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 5th in the chapter house at the Regent. Mrs. W. G. Grothier presiding. The Members Prayer was read, the flag brought forward and the motto repeated. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. A. H. Walton and approved and Mrs. Arthur Storms gave the treasurers report. The members were pleased to learn of the success of the Spring Carnival, the proceeds of which amounted to about $375 net.
Followed the reports of different conveners, Mrs. G.M. Hicks, reporting to the House Committee, announced that Mrs. Perry will take Mrs. Hyatt's place as housekeeper. A very hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Hyatt for her fine work at the House and the thought was expressed that she will be remembered for her kindliness in all parts of the globe by boys who have enjoyed the hospitality of the House. Mrs. Batton, War Convener, reported sending $50 worth of cigarettes to the relatives of members who are serving with the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment overseas. The following is her report of shipments made:
To Polish relief: 6 quilts, 1 parkam 2 pairs wristlets, 2 pairs shorts, 2 suits of underwear, 1 suit combinations, 1 pair gloves, 1 petticoat, 1 pair flannel pants, 1 child's coat, 1 pair socks, 2 pairs mittens, 1 pair overshoes, 1 hat.
Hospital supplies: 15 pairs pyjamas, 7 pneumonia jackets, 2 blankets, 2 bundles diapers.
British Relief: 4 quilts, 6 doz. diapers.
Miss Martin convener of Field Comforts and knitted articles reported the following shipments to the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment overseas: 102 pairs socks, 11 sweaters, 2 balaclava caps, 2 pairs wristlets.
To I.O.D.E. headquarters, Hamilton: air force blue, 150 pairs socks, 1 pair gloves, 1 cap, 4 scarves, 9 sweaters.
Baby articles for bombed-out families: 18 jackets, 18 bonnets, 18 pairs bootees, 5 pairs mitts.
To Buy Ship's Bell
It was decided that the Chapter shall buy a ship's bell for the newly launched ship "The Hallowell". The question of the appropriation of the proceeds of the Spring Carnival was settled as follows: $150 to the War Fund, $150 to the Chapter House and the remainder to the General Fund. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Sinton for her fine work for the success of this event and she in turn thanked the members who assisted her. Mention was also made of the kind assistance of the members of the Rotary Club and the Kinsmen Club. A delegate is to be sent to the Provincial Convention in Hamilton this month. Mrs. Guy Johnson was authorized to make necessary purchases for Sir Thomas Picton room at the hospital. Several new members took the oath and were welcomed by the Regent. The meeting closed with the National Anthem.

May 3, 1944
Prince Edward County People . . .
You are making good progress towards reaching the county's Victory Loan objective of $1,100,000. The total subscriptions to date are $421,100. But, are you going to make the county's investment big enough to pay for the Frigate, H.M.C.S. Hallowell, named in honour of the early history of this area. H.M.C.S. Hallowell cost $1,400,000.
Named in honour of Picton's early name, and the present Hallowell Township. The Frigate Hallowell is one of the newer types of Royal Canadian Navy escort vessels. Over 300 feet long, with a tonnage of 1445, they rank about midway between corvettes and destroyers in speed, armament and manoeuvrability. Their normal complement is about 120 including six or seven officers.

July 5, 1944
Need Comforts for Frigate Donations Will Be Welcomed
H.M.C.S. Hallowell to be commissioned Soon and Short Time to Provide Comforts
The frigate Hallowell, is to be commissioned soon, and following the lead of other districts honoured by having a ship named after them, Hallowell and Prince Edward, are expected to contribute comforts for members of the crew.
Details will appear in The Gazette, Friday, but meanwhile, any individuals or organizations who are able to help supply these comforts are asked to act as soon as possible.
Until a committee is formed, the Gazette will be pleased to receive donations.
Organizations are asked to take up the matter of a cash donation at their first meeting as it will be necessary to supply these comforts in a short time.
Picton, Hallowell and the county has been honoured by having this frigate so named and doubtless many will want to help provide comforts. Donations, large or small, are welcome.

July 7, 1944
Frigate Hallowell Officers To Visit Picton Next Week
A meeting of representative organizations and individuals will be called next week to discuss the matter of providing comforts for the crew of H.M.C.S. frigate Hallowell.
The captain and first lieutenant of the Hallowell, together with Lieut. J. N. Cornish, R.C.N.V.R. (S.B.), Montreal, will arrive in Picton July 13th and will remain until the 16th. During that period a meeting will be called.
It is hoped to have a delegation from Picton go to Montreal to visit the ship after commissioning.
Lt. Cornish writes Mayor McKibbon. "I have been assisting the different communities who have been sponsoring ships for the navy, in advising them as to where comforts can be obtained. An agreement has been made with the Electrical Controller who has been most co-operative, and has given certain manufacturing concerns permission to supply us with washing machines, toasters, irons, and hot plates. We have been successful in obtaining same at very reasonable prices. Would you pass this to the leading factors in the Sir Thomas Picton Chapter, I.O.D.E., Red Cross, Canadian Legion, Women's Institutes, and others. In buying comforts in Montreal , we save shipping and a great deal of time and confusion.
"Would you be kind enough to advise me as soon as possible as to any suggestions you might have, previous to our departure for Picton."

July 12, 1944
A meeting to discuss the providing of comforts for the frigate Hallowell, is being held Friday night, at 8 o'clock in Shire Hall. The Captain and First Lieutenant will be in attendance.
Invitations have been extended to the Councils of Hallowell, Picton and Bloomfield, representatives of County Council, representatives of the Red Cross, I.O.D.E., Women's Institutes, Canadian Legion and Auxiliary, Navy League, Catholic Women's League, Rotary Club, Kinsmen Club. Anyone interested will be welcome as the visitors will explain what is required.
Organizations holding meetings are requested to discuss the matter of a cash donation to the fund to provide comforts for members of the crew of this frigate.

July 14, 1944
Representatives of all organizations, and other interested citizens, are urged to attend the public meeting in Shire Hall tonight (Friday) at eight o'clock, when matters concerning H.M.C.S. frigate Hallowell will be discussed.
An official welcome and luncheon for the visitors, Lieut. E. S. N. Pleasance, R.C.N., and his first Lieutenant, Lewis Cannon, R.C.N.V.R., of the Hallowell will be held today at one o'clock at the Globe Hotel.
These officers will attend the evening meeting along with Lieut. J. N. Cornish, of the Dept. of National Defence (Naval).
The district has been honored by the naming of this frigate, and it is a matter of county pride that comforts be provided.

July 19, 1944
Organize Committee to Furnish Comforts For HMCS Hallowell
Officers of Frigate Visit Picton and Attend Meeting – Appeal to County People to Assist in Providing Comforts Which are Required by Aug. 1st
James deC. Hepburn, M.L.A. ably presided over a large and representative gathering in Shire Hall on Friday evening, that gathered to meet officers of H.M.C.S. frigate "Hallowell", to plan the providing of comforts to the ship's officers and men.
Mr. Hepburn drew attention to the fact that the county had been honoured by the Naval Department in being asked to select a name for one of the frigates of the Canadian Navy. "We must show our appreciation of this honour conferred on the county," said Mr. Hepburn, "by providing comforts for the men to enjoy while at sea." Mr. Hepburn introduced the commanding officer of the "Hallowell", Lt. Commander E.S.N. Pleasance R.C.N.R.
The ship's captain explained that they were provided with everything they needed for fighting, and with necessary clothing, such as shoes, uniforms and sou'westers. However, they were often at sea thirty days, and if sox, sweaters, helmets, etc., got wet, especially in winter time, there were not enough of these articles to supply changes.
A used gramophone and records were always appreciated by the men, the captain said. On board the ship are doctors and dieticians, but such foods as preserves, ketchup, etc., were not provided but, when supplied, made for better feeling among the crew. A minimum of toasters and electric irons are supplied but, if they go wrong, they are not replaced, so extra electric appliances are appreciated.
Hallowell Was Sailor
First Lieutenant Lewis Cannon, R.C.N.V.R., of the Hallowell, drew attention to the fact that the man Hallowell was one of the first to establish himself in this particular spot. Later he went to England, joined the Royal Navy and fought with Nelson at the battle of the Nile. He was one of Nelson's captains in one of his most brilliant victories.
A ship in the navy is the only home the men on her have," said Lt. Cannon "A sailor must have everything that he would expect to have in his own home. I know the people of this county will feel it their pleasure and pride to give comforts to the ship that bears their name on the ocean."
Example of Others
Lt. J. N. Cornish, R.C.N.V.R. of the Dept. of National Defence (Naval), has been instrumental in the outfitting of several frigates. He told how 75 citizens of Perth, three days after their ship, the "Lanark", was commissioned, went over the ship and saw what her needs were, and then set about to supply them. Lieut. Cornish explained that he had obtained a priority on the necessary articles and could get them at cost.
Ask Township Help
Reeve Mcquaid of Hallowell, announced that he had made arrangements for a meeting of his council to explain to them the suggestions made at this meeting. He suggested that the organizations and councils work together.
Deputy – Reeve Branscombe of Hallowell, suggested a grant from each unit for the purchase of these comforts.
Lieut. Cornish suggested that a local fund be established, and that it be a continuous one. "Don't spend all the
money at once. Send small things from time to time while we are at sea". He suggested that a lady be on the committee. Certain things, he said, could best be purchased in Montreal, and saved shipping charges. Trays or knick – knacks were not wanted but things the men really use.
Ask for Grant
Rev. J.F. Reycraft made a motion that each organization make a grant towards the money required and that the fund be kept open.
Mayor McKibbon inquired about the size of the equipment needed, and Lt. Cannon said 4 or 5 two – slice toasters were better than 1 ten or eleven slice toaster. The Lt. Suggested that a radio be eliminated as the ship is provided with a sound system. Standard washing machines are used and two are better than one. An old – type phonograph is enjoyed.
The town of Perth raised between $2500 and $3000 and did a very fine job on their ship, the "Lanark".
Reeve Cleave of Bloomfield, asked if we would need about the same amount, and Lieut. Cornish replied, "Raise as much money as you can, and buy as well as possible." He explained that some of the larger cities had donated articles that were nice, but not necessary, such as silver tea services, etc.
Crew Numbers 138
Reeve Carter of Wellington, asked how many men served on the Hallowell and was told 178.
Reeve Hughes of North Marysburgh said, "these boys are fighting for us, and should have every comfort available."
Reeve Brummell of Athol said his township is interested and he would help all he could.
Reeve Striker of South Marysburgh, suggested that all knitting for the navy here be sent to the Hallowell as these boys deserve all comforts. "Let the county as a whole get behind this."
Lieut. Cannon suggested that the women knit extra comforts, and send them direct to the ship.
Mr. C. G. Rutter explained that if a request from the commanding officer of the ship were sent to the Red Cross here for extra comforts they would get them.
Mrs. G. N. McKibbon enquired how much money would be needed for the ship's library.
Lieut. Cornish replied that the Montreal Book Depot supplies suitable books in lots of 1000 or more, but that subscriptions to weekly and monthly magazines were appreciated. They might arrive two months late but they get there eventually and are enjoyed.
Suggested Articles
The following is the list of articles supplied to the "Lanark" and could be used as a guide to the Hallowell: 2 washing machines, 1 piano (donated by a citizen), 1 electric paint sprayer, 1 second – hand typewriter, 1 used gramophone, 200 records, subscriptions to magazines, 4 – dozen pillow slips, 4 – dozen sheets, 8 electric irons, 8 hot plates, 6 toasters, glasses, pictures of the township of Lanark, the town crest, sports equipment, $25 from the I.O.D.E. for cigarettes for the canteen.
Name Committee
A Central Committee for Prince Edward County was selected as follows: Lindley Calnan, Clarence Mallory, Clarence Rutter, Chas Fraleigh, Mrs. McGibbon, The Mayor, The Reeves of all the municipalities, Mrs. Jas Hedges, Mrs. Robert Jones, Warden Onderdonk, Jas deC Hepburn, M.L.A., Mrs. W.G. Grothier, Mrs. J.A. Beckwith, Chas H. McGibbon, Sam Sinton, Wm. Branscombe, Miss Purtelle.
Clarence Mallory drew attention to the fact that the township of Hallowell formerly included Athol and both Marysburghs and said he was sure Prince Edward County would rise to this occasion, and look after the boys who are braving the stormy sea on our behalf.
Dr. Roblin said he was sympathetic to this appeal, and no doubt the county would ably deal with the matter. "These gentlemen of the navy give their time," said the Dr., "we'll do the rest."
Commissioned in August
The captain of the Hallowell asked particularly for a crest of Hallowell, and that all who could would come down to see the Hallowell, which may be commissioned by the first week in August, and will require the comforts by that date.
Reeve Cleave suggested a special meeting of County Council to make a sizeable donation.
Previous to adjournment, a suggestion made by L. B. Calnan that the committee appoint an executive of not more than five members was made in the form of a motion by Rev. J. F. Reycraft, seconded by Reeve Henley and carried.

July 19, 1944
Sir Benjamin Hallowell Fought Under Nelson
During the visit of three Naval Officers representing H.M.C.S. frigate Hallowell a luncheon was served Friday noon in their honour at the Globe Hotel. This was attended by 50 citizens, with F.D. (??) Ward, K.C. presiding as chairman. Following the meal, there was a brief program of addresses.
Representing historical research by Canadian Vickers Ltd., a scroll was read by Mayor G. N. McKibbon which carried wording relating to the history of this area and to the record of Benjamin Hallowell in particular. This is of a nature to give much new information about the latter, who, leaving this area, fought as a captain under Nelson at the Battle on the Nile, was knighted, and later became an admiral in the British Navy. The scroll reads as follows:
H.M.C.S. Hallowell
Built and Engined by
Canadian Vickers Limited
Montreal, Canada
Keel laid November 5, 1943 – Launched March 28, 1944 – Completed in July 1944
Built and Engined by
Canadian Vickers Limited
Montreal, Canada
Keel laid November 5, 1943 – Launched March 28, 1944 – Completed in July 1944
Hallowell – Prince Edward County – Province of Ontario – Canada, was visited for the time by loyalists in 1784- founded in 1797. The name "Hallowell" was given in honour of Benjamin Hallowell, who was a prominent loyalist, and formerly from Boston. The first meeting of the municipality took place in 1798. Amongst the first pioneers were Major Peter Vanalstine and Lieutenant Paul Huff. The first house was inhabited by Colonel Archibald MacDonald and was built by shipbuilders.
Picton, founded in 1830, is an important town in Hallowell Township. A Canal was constructed between Picton and Prescott the same year. In 1830, the "Hallowell Free Press" was put into operation.
Benjamin Hallowell was knighted and subsequently became an Admiral in the Royal Navy. The name Carew was added to his own after his own after his marriage to Mrs. Carew. Sir Benjamin fought as a Captain under Viscount Lord Nelson at the battle of the Nile. In the biographical memoirs of Nelson, published in 1806, it is recorded that Captain (later Admiral) Hallowell had been mentioned in despatches by Nelson.
It may be said, therefore, that H.M.C.S. "Hallowell" has been named after one of Lord Nelson's Captains.
Shown below is an authentic impression of the signature of Vice-Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew, taken from the Carlton House Register in London, England, and dated September 11th, 1828.
(Signature appears here)
The signature of Sir Benj. Hallowell Carew and certain of the above information was obtained through the courtesy of Mr. C.G. Hallowell of Paris, Ontario, a distant relative of Sir Benjamin.
Mayor McKibbon, Reeve Harold Cleeve and Sherman McQuaid expressed all official welcome to the visitors, and the thought that this area is proud of the ship carrying a local name, which, no doubt, will add laurels to the name.
Plan Picton Day
Lt.-Com. Pleasance said that, when the ship is commissioned, it is hoped to organise a Picton Day, when a local delegation will be welcomed aboard the ship at the port of Montreal. He gave a brief outline of the development of the Canadian Navy from its strength of seven corvettes, some trawlers and a few old U.S. destroyers in 1940 to its present much enlarged status. He referred to the frigate as a class of ship in line with the destroyer class as to size and armament, which is able to stay at sea for a month.
Historical Record
Lieut. Lewis Cannon referred to the moment as a wonderful meal in a wonderful town in a paradise. He suggested that the record of Admiral Hallowell gives inspiration to this area from a naval standpoint, just as the record of General Sir Thomas Picton is illustrious as a soldier. As a result of the naval battle of the Nile, where Admiral Hallowell fought, the enemy force was bottled up in Egypt, and Sir Thos. Picton, under the Duke of Wellington, led the charge which defeated Marshall Ney, Napoleon's general at the battle of Waterloo. I hope now that your area will have the honour of contributing to the overthrow of the man who has desired to engulf the freedom of this generation, he said.
Lieut. J. N. Cornish spoke briefly, referring to his work in supervising the outfitting of newly commissioned ships.
Group Capt. Collingwood
Group Capt. C. J. Collingwood, R.A.F. referred to the needs of this war having developed in the forces of the Allies a knowledge and spirit which has lead to the greatest co-operation between the navy, the army and the air force. The science of "combined operations" has been more successfully carried out than at any previous time in British history, for we know that no one service in these days can be successful without the co-operation of the other, he said. I have the greatest admiration for the navy, the Group Captain said. They carry out a long grind under the most trying conditions, without complaint. There is a long and illustrious tradition, and I am sure that H.M.C.S. Hallowell will further contribute to the glorious history.

July 19, 1944
At the committee meeting following the general meeting, the following were elected as a committee to supervise the raising of money to provide the necessary comforts for H.M.C.S. Hallowell:
Lindley Calnan, chairman; C. G. Rutter, Secretary; Clarence Mallory, Treasurer; Jas. DeC. Hepburn, M.L.A., Reeves Sherman McQuaid, Calvin Hughes, Mrs. C. H. McGibbon, Mrs. Jas. Hedges, Mrs. R. A. Jones, Miss M. Purtelle.
Discussion of the committee led to adoption of procedure in which County Council and representatives of organizations met last night to consider ways and means to raise the necessary money.

July 21, 1944
A meeting is called at County Council Chambers for Tuesday evening, July 25 at 8 p.m. for the organization of a Tag Day for the H.M.C.S. Hallowell fund – the Tag Day being set for Saturday, July 29th.
Mrs. S. J. Collier convenor of the tag Day Committee, desires that all adult persons attend this meeting who can assist in any way with the organization of this Tag Day, and she would like to have a generous attendance at the meeting. At the same time, information should be ready to be handed on to her by those in attendance as to what adults and girls can assist in the tagging on July 29.

July 21, 1944
County Grants $200, Comforts for Frigate
Council Members Give Indemnities and Donations Totalling $10 – Organizations Pledge Assistance – Plan Tag Day July 29 – Public Invited to Contribute
Whenever new ships of the Canadian Navy have been commissioned, they have borne the names of various Canadian communities. Those cities and town have adopted the ships bearing their name, and the communities have raised substantial funds to purchase additional equipment which is not provided for in the ship's establishment.
The City of Toronto, in the case of H.M.C.S. Toronto, raised an initial fund of $18,500, the City of Belleville for H.M.C.S. Belleville, over $8,000, while St. Marys for H.M.C.S Stonetown, Port Hope for H.M.C.S. port Hope, and Perth for H.M.C.S. Lanark raised between $3,000 and $4,000 each.
It has grown to be a matter of community pride that the ships bearing their name shall be as well equipped as other ships – of – war.
In the case of H.M.C.S. Hallowell, to be commissioned in two weeks, more or less, the three naval officers visiting Prince Edward County last week discussed a list of first essentials of equipment, item by item, with Messrs. Lindley Calnan and Clarence Rutter. As a result of this disscussion, the impression was received that items of equipment, listed as necessary, were most modest in comparison to the manner in which a good many other municipalities have equipped their namesake ships.
County Council Helps
Members of County Council earnestly discussed their contributions to the H.M.C.S. Hallowell fund at a special meeting Tuesday evening. These members showed their hearts are in the right place by contributing their indemnities for the special meeting to the fund, and by adding personal contributions from their pockets to make the indemnities up to $10 each.
Further to that, County Council made a grant of $200 to the "Hallowell" fund, a grant which was limited to that amount because the County's budget at this time of the year is definitely planned, and the County rate struck.
County Council was addressed by Lindley Calnan, committee chairman, Mayor N. McKibbon, Cnas. McGibbon, Mrs. W. G. Grothier, Mrs. A. Beckwith, Mrs. Jas. Hedges, Mrs. R.A. Jones, Miss M. Purtelle, Mrs. C. H. McGibbon, Mrs. Nesbitt McKibbon, representing organizations to request a grant as a beginning for the fund, and to point out the close tie between the naming of the ship and the County's history, as well as the fact that a ship is a sailors home for months on end, without leave.
Following the Council session the H.M.C.S. Hallowell committee met to receive pledges of financial assistance to the fund from various organizations and to make further plans which now include a Tag Day for Saturday, July 29th.
It is possible that other organizations not represented at the Committee meeting, may be approached as to what they can do to assist the fund, or that such organizations might consider what they can do.

July 26, 1944
Tag Day On Saturday For H.M.C.S. Hallowell
Generous Response Asked So That Comforts Can be Supplied
A meeting was held last night to complete plans for the tag day being held next Saturday. The money thus raised will be used to furnish comforts for H.M.C.S. Hallowell.
There are approximately 180 men in the ships crew, and a generous response in requested. Special donations will be gratefully received.
Comforts to be supplied include equipment for recreation, musical instruments, various types of electrical equipment, games, sewing kits, items for the canteen, and other little comforts which mean so much to those who must spend long days at sea.
Special donations may be left with C. H. McGibbon, Bert Burns, John Arnaud, J.M. Hartwick, Harold Cleave, or the Gazette office. Cheques should be written payable to "Clarence Mallory, treasurer, H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund"
It is urgent that individuals and organizations give what assistance they can, without delay.
Taggers who are assisting Saturday are requested to report to team captains at the new Lipson store at 8 a.m. on that day.

July 28, 1944
An Appeal To The People of Prince Edward
An appeal is made to Prince Edward County people to be as generous as possible related to the Tag Day on Saturday this week to raise a fund to provide comforts for the frigate, H.M.C.S. Hallowell.
When new ships have been built and commissioned in the Canadian Navy, they have been given names representing different Canadian communities, and the areas thus honoured have adopted the ships bearing their name. These city and country areas have proceeded to raise funds which in most cases have run to several thousand dollars, associated with the ship bearing the local name. It is a matter of community pride that the ship bearing a local name shall be as well equipped as other ships of the same class.
Comforts for H.M.C.S. Hallowell now listed as essential include such items as washing machines, toasters, hot – plates, irons, paint sprayer, pictures of Prince Edward County, shoemaker's outfit, etc., including a list of items which make living on ship – board as comfortable as may be. A ship is a sailor's home, and, in this war, a sailor has been likely to spend many weeks or many months without setting his foot ashore. These items to be purchased by H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund are those not included in a ship's establishment by the Department of National Defence (Navy), but which are regarded by the ship's officers and ratings as essential to proper living conditions.
People of Prince Edward County – will you adopt H.M.C.S. Hallowell as your own! The name is associated with the township of Hallowell now. Earlier in local history, the area named Hallowell included Picton, Bloomfield, part of Sophiasburgh, the two Marysburghs and Athol. It is a name associated as much as possible with the whole of Prince Edward County history and tradition.
County organizations and individuals are asked to make as large donations as possible to the fund. When donations are made by cheques, the latter should be made payable to "Clarence Mallory, Treas., H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund." Receipts are given for income tax purposes.
Mrs. S. J. Collier is convener of the Saturday Tag Day committee, and she has been most generous with her time, acting in a similar capacity with the charitable and patriotic funds tag days of the previous Great War, as well as this one. Mrs. Collier asks that those who will act as "taggers" on Saturday – – girls or boys, as well as adults – – shall report at Tag Day Headquarters at the new Lipson store on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m.
Signed on Behalf of H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund Committee
Lindley Calnan, Chairman

July 28, 1944
A special canvas of merchants and others is being held in connection with the tag day in Picton, Bloomfield and Wellington tomorrow, to provide comforts for H.M.C.S. Hallowell. Mrs. S. J. Collier, who is in charge, reports a very generous response, with around $300 contributed.
Anyone willing to help with a special donation may leave same at the Gazette, if not contacted.
The General public can do their part to uphold the honour of the county, by giving generously to the taggers.
Organizations making donations are asked to do so as soon as possible.

July 28, 1944
News is at hand yesterday that residents of Prince Edward County will be welcomed at a commissioning party for the frigate H.M.C.S. Hallowell at the Vickers yards in Montreal on Wednesday, Aug. 16th.
Those who can attend from this district may be assured of a pleasant, interesting and instructive day.

August 2, 1944
Tag and Gift Day For HMCS Hallowell Brings in $1192.11
Special Donations Help Swell Total – Buy comforts for Crew of Frigate
The H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund received a splendid boost as a result of the tag and gift day held Saturday.
From the sale of tags in Picton, Bloomfield, Wellington and at the Sandbanks, $443.62 was realized. The air stations were not canvassed. About 5,300 persons purchased tags.
Special donations received totalled $585.65 to make a grand total for the day of 1029.27.
To that total is added collections for the fund taken at the theatre entrance during the recent Victory Loan campaign totalling $162.84, making a grand total credited to Tag Day collections of $1192.11.
Included in the list of special subscriptions totalling $585.65 are Wellington Board of Trade, $50; Picton Navy League, 50; Prince Edward County Women's Institutes, $50. A list of special subscriptions for smaller amounts appears hereunder.
In the tagging, $381.51 was in the boxes in Picton, $38.86 in Wellington and 23.25 in Blooomfield.
The sum of 1192.11 credited to the H.M.C.S. Hallowell Tag Day goes a long way towards making a fund similar in size to the two and three thousand dollar funds raised by other communities which have adopted a ship named in their honour.
Thanks of H.M.C.S. committee members, and especially of Mrs. S. J. Collier, convener of the tag day committee is extended to the taggers and all others who assisted to make the day a great success, despite the fact that it was arranged on short notice, and at a busy time of year.
Captains for tagging were: Mrs. J. Goodwin, Mrs. Sinton, Mrs. Conway, Mrs. Calnan, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Daubney, Mrs. Harrison, Mayor McKibbon, Mrs. Gerow, Mrs. Seely, Mrs. Kemsley, Mrs. N. McKibbon, Picton: Mrs. Buttars and Mrs. Cleave, Bloomfield:J.M. Hartwick, Wellington.
Special Donations
$25 subscriptions – Thos. W. Kinney, Mayor N. McKibbon.
$20 subscriptions – Royal hotel
$15 subscriptions – Mrs. H. W. Bedell, Alex Lipson
$10 subscriptions – Hogg & Lytle, H.J. McFarland, G.E. Frazer Sons, R. Hadde, Picton Gazette, Glenora W.E.C., Cater Brothers, Ltd.
Special donation $162.84 from collections taken at Victory Loan rallies by P. Dodds.
$5 subscriptions – Goodwill Club, Stedman Store, Legion Post 7B, Mrs. Robt. Jones, E.H. Purtelle, Dr. C. A. Publow, Ralph Warren, Howard Wood, Burt Tully, John Maher, Buff Cooper, Colliver & Huff, Jas. deC.Hepburn, Howard Leavens, Dr. A.H. Walton, Gordon Whattam, A.M. Powers, E.S. Field, Wm. Branscombe, G.M. Hicks, D. d'Esterre, Laverne Minaker, Mrs. C.A. Jones, P.L. Ward, S.M. Sinton, Dr. Huffman, Ed. Williams, Fred Stafford, Bernard Kingsley, Catholic Women's League, Geo. Cook, Fred Newman Ltd., East Lake War Group.
$3 subscriptions – The Fair, Maher Shoe Store, F.W. Runnells.
$2 subscriptions – M. Rorabeck, Picton Times, Major W.J. Grothier, Wrights Drug Store, N. Yanover, Gentile's, M. Mason, Jas. Walmsley, Miss C. Mitchell, Buford's Transport, K. Foster, L. Robinson, A Friend, Mrs. R. Hudgin, W.A. Davis, Mrs. S. G. Foster, Inrig's Drug Store, Royal Beauty Salon, S.E. Teasel, Mr. And Mrs. Falconer, Ray Hicks, Wm. Tait, Adams & VanDusen, Star Cafe, Goodwill Club (Mrs. Seeley), F.J. Webster, Philip Dodds.
$1 subscriptions – Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs. Chas. Spencer, Eola Owen, Mr. Couper, Tom Kostoff, H. bowers, Mrs. F.L. Ward, Dr. J. H. Cryan, W. S. Lane, N. Welsh, M. Finnigan, J. LeHeup, C. G. Rutter, J. B. Dunkley, J. P. Williams, A. Keep, A. E. Grindrod, H. Doyle, P. Ballie, E. Shannon, Geo. Andrews, Mrs. Taylor, W. A. Pope, Alf King, Chas. Rand, R. B. Small, V. Lockwood, C. Hooper, H. G. Blakely, J. K. Dodds, Leaond McDonald, Peter Fralick, Capt. Craig, R. Frederick.
Misc. donations – Crawford Cleaning, Mrs. J. Cook, Mr. McConnell, H. Knappman, Mr. Hyatt, Mr. Roblin, Lee Lee Co., C. Cole.
List of taggers and amount collected; Janet Williams 10.81; Gordon Duetta 11.59; Betty Wright 4.38; Doreen McKinnon 3.09; Doris Ryan 7.56; Lorraine Armstrong 4.23; Bobby Colliver 2.03; Patricia Lace 8.21; Shirley Pickering 5.83; Lou Garrison 10.50; Beverly Lawson 10.39; Randal Claxton 3.56; Mrs. R. C. Gerow 6.02; S. Jones 11.01; Mrs. W. Harrison 8.30; Harry Harrison 10.65; Joan Leavitt 12.35; Mrs. Anderson 3.79; Mrs. F. Kemsley 22.96; Phil Dodds; Betty Peters 10.00; Betty Pickering 10.82; Joan Cottee 5.66; Douglas Demill 3.10; Kenneth Shortt 4.06; Mrs. G.N. McKibbon 7.25; Florence Chapman 17.24; Joan Ross 4.23; Lynn Arnaud 9.89; Allan Scott 6.82; Anne Carroll 11.23; Carmel Demaree 6.16; Barbard Devine 4.47; Helen Bourke 2.59; no name on box 7.14; Nina Harrison 1.20; Patsy Swayne 4.54; Barbara Terwilligar 5.01; Helen Terwilligar 1.11; Peggy Rawlins 4.32; Agnes F. Jones 6.99; Mary Cole 10.53; Dorothy Ryan 5.81; Patricia Hooper 2.40; Mary Haylock 2.98; Madolin Pearce 4.63; Ruby McGiffin 4.60; Mercedes Scott 2.80; Helen Bongard 3.20; Gerald Desjardin 79c; Beverly Ann Mason 3.87; Harry Welch 1.45; Jimmy Ryan 3.69; Mrs. H. Daubney 8.07
Wellington Taggers
Patsy McVicker | 12.72 |
Mavis Snider | 11.38 |
Beverly Hartwick | 11.08 |
Merle Thompson | 3.68 |

August 11, 1944
Commission Frigate Wednesday, Town Gives Washing Machines
Councillor C. H. McGibbon will represent the town at the commissioning of H.M.C.S. Hallowell at the Vicker's yards in Montreal on Wednesday, August 16, being chosen by Town Council Monday night. Council voted to purchase two washing machines for the frigate.
Residents of Prince Edward County will be welcome at the commissioning as well as formey county people residing in Montreal.
Will those who intend to attend this event kindly notify Clarence Rutter, secretary the local H.M.C.S. Hallowell Committee, this week – end.
Tells of Need
At Town Council, l. B. Calnan, representing the Hallowell Committee appointed to raise a special fund to provide comforts for the frigate, suggested that Council purchase the washing machines and referred to the need for comforts for the ship's crew.
Township Grant
At its regular meeting this week the Hallowell Council granted the sum of $350 to the H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund. Reeve Sherman McQuaid was named by the Council to represent the township at the Picton Day commissioning party in Montreal next week.
H.M.C.S Hallowell Fund donations:
Previously acknowledged | 1192.11 |
Mrs. Cecelia Manlow | 1.00 |
Robt. Simpson Co. | 5.00 |
The Fair | 2.00 |
Mrs. Alex Wright | 2.00 |
Elmbrook W.E.C. | 3.00 |
Geo. J. Tustin, M.P. | 10.00 |
_______________ | |
$1315.11 |
Donations received at the Gazette office; cheques should be made payable to H.M.C.S. Hallowell Fund, C. Mallory, treasurer.

August 19, 1944
Officer of HMCS Hallowell Awarded the George Medal
County Representatives in Montreal Today for Commissioning of Frigate
H.M.C.S Hallowell frigate named in honour of this district, is being commissioned at the Vicker's yards, Montreal, today (Wednesday), represented from the county who will attend includes Warden Earl Onderdonk, Mayor and Mrs. G. N. McKibbon, Councillor C. H. McGibbon, Reeve Sherman McQuaid, A/County Clerk C. G. Rutter, L. B. Calnan, Chairman of the Hallowell Committee and Mrs. Calnan.
In connection with the Hallowell it is interesting to learn that last week, one of the officers, Lieut. Alfred W. Best, a native of Toronto, was decorated with the George Medal at an investiture held on board the Hallowell. Lt. Best was awarded the decoration for his part in leading a party aboard a burning oil tanker and saving the vessel. Capt. J. E. W. Oland, naval officer in charge at Montreal, made the presentation.
The response to the Comforts Fund has been magnificent, and many of the comforts have been purchased and placed aboard the frigate.

August 24, 1944
Mayor and Mrs. G. N. McKibbon, Mr. And Mrs. Lindley Calnan, Warden Earl Onderdonk, Reeve Sherman McQuaid, Dep. – Reeve Harry Campney, Councillor Chas. McGibbon were the local group attending the commissioning party for H.M.C.S. Hallowell at Montreal last week. Mr. And Mrs. Lawrence Pickering and Mr. And Mrs. Harold Collier of Montreal also attended as former Prince Edwarders.
This party was shown through the frigate by the ship's officers, finding the visit of great interest as related to the designing for comfort, and efficiency of a modern fighting ship. The group was entertained at a buffet lunch in the small "ward room" which is the Officers' Mess.
While aboard they saw several items purchased from the local fund raised for H.M.C.S Hallowell.

September 27, 1944
Gifts Are Much Appreciated By Crew of HMCS Hallowell
Large Selection of Magazines Sent – C.O. Sends Thanks
From Lieut. S. Pleasance, Commanding Officer, H.M.C.S. Hallowell, care Fleet Mail Office, Halifax, comes the following letter to The Gazette Editor, on behalf of the Hallowell committee:
I have received your very welcome letter in which you were so kind as to give us a list of the many good magazines to which you have subscribed for us. The selection is extremely good and on our behalf I wish you would thank the many people who have been so kind to us.
At the present time, we are not lacking in anything due to the wonderful gifts we have received from our many friends in Hallowell, so again with many thanks and kindest regards to all, I remain, S. Pleasance, Lieut.