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New Books by Members

Over the years, we have offered a selection of new books by members of the Naval Marine Archive and of the Canadian Nautical Research Society. Some of these are now out of print, but we may be able to assist you in finding a copy. [Used books may be found here.]

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White ensign flying: corvette HMCS TrentonianWhite ensign flying: corvette HMCS Trentonian
White ensign flying: corvette HMCS Trentonian
by Roger Litwiller
Toronto: Dundurn, 2014. ISBN: 9781459710399, $34.00
Publisher's information:

The history of HMCS Trentonian and her relationship to the city of Trenton. The crew who served aboard shared their memories of serving Canada. The Trentonian was the last Canadian corvette lost during the second world war.

Whaling Captains of ColorWhaling Captains of Color
Whaling Captains of Color : America's First Meritocracy
Skip Finley
Annapolis: Naval Institute Press (publication date June 2020)
ISBN: 9781682475096

See also Naval Insitute Press, publishers and also Author's page.

Through A Canadian PeriscopeThrough A Canadian Periscope
Through A Canadian Periscope; second edition
by Julie H. Ferguson.
Toronto: Dundurn,2014. ISBN: 9781459710559, $26.99

Detailing the history of Canada's submariner service from the beginnings in 1914.

Deeeply Canadian
Deeply Canadian
by Julie H. Ferguson
Beacon Publishing, Port Moody, BC. 2000. ISBN 096898570X, $14.99

Discusses why Canada needed the additional submarines for the service to provide security and participate with NATO in this millenium.

War of 1812
War of 1812: the Marine Art of Peter Rindlisbacher
by Peter Rindlisbacher, CSMA
Kingston, Quarry Press, 2013. ISBN 9781550823646, $39.95

Reproductions of Peter's 1812 paintings, showing details of the work and the various theatres where the battles and activities took place. Forward by Victor Suthren and intro. by Donald E. Graves.

Ellesmere Pickup
The Ellesmere Pickup
by Fraser McKee 
Cover art by H. Berchem,CSMA
SeaWaves Books, 2013. ISBN: 9781894147019, $26.95

Arctic naval adventure during the cold war with Russia where one Canadian naval training ship is to 'hold the fort'.

Sink all shipping.
'Sink All the Shipping There': The Wartime loss of Canada's Merchant Ships and Fishing Schooners
by Fraser McKee 
St. Catherines, Vanwell, 2004. ISBN: 1551250551, $20.00

The service of the merchant men and women during the convoys and the patrols was extensive and heroic, as were their losses.

We Are As One
A Bridge of Ships: Canadian Shipbuiling during the Second World War
James Pritchard
Kingston, Montreal,McGill-Queen's University, 2011. ISBN: 0773538240 , $90.00

Extensive documentation of Canadian expansion to build a vast number of ships for the war.

We Are As One
We Are As One
Gordon Forbes
Ottawa, Baico Publishing, 2010. ISBN: 9781926596945, $20.00

Explosion and fire on HMCS Kootenay and the aftermath of this disaster at sea for the crew.

We Are As One
No Higher Purpose
by W.A.B. Douglas, Roger Sarty and Michael Whitby et al.
St. Catherines, ON, 2002. ISBN: 1551250616, $35.00

The official history of the Canadian Navy 1939-1943.

Blue Water Navy
A Blue Water Navy
by W.A.B. Douglas, Roger Sarty and Michael Whitby et al.
St. Catherines, ON, 2007. ISBN: 1551250691 $35.00

The official history of the Canadian Navy 1943-1945.

People, Policy and Programmes
People, Policy and Programmes: Proceedings of the 7th Maritime Command (MARCOM)2005
by Richard H. Gimblett & Richard O. Mayne (eds)
Ottawa: Canadian Naval Heritage Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780662480501, $15.00

Post war policies and acquisitions, and terminating HMCS Bras d'Or project.

The Naval Service of Canada
The Naval Service of Canada 1910-2010 The Centennial Story
by Richard H. Gimblett (ed)
Toronto, Dundren Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780554884704, $120.00

Chronicles the one hundred years of the naval service in Canada. Illustrated cover paintings by John M. Horton, CSMA and Peter Rindlisbacher, CSMA. A rare find.


Members may ask for inclusion on this page after publication of their books. We would appreciate any suggestions.


Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
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Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: August 2022