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Bethlehem Beaumont, Pennsylvania Shipyards, Beaumont TX

Trinity acquired Bethlehem Steel's Beaumont shipyard in 1989, operated it as both a shipbuilder and a ship repairer for five years but converted it to railcar construction in 1994. In 2006, they sold it to Chicago Bridge & Iron for use as a fabrication base for CBI's contracts to construct LNG import terminals. See the full construction record here. See the shipyard from the air on Google here. If anyone can add to the table below, please email

Most recent update: 26 August 2014.

Hull# O.N. Original Name Original Owner Type or MC Design GT Delivered Disposition
K001 972533 PB 110B Pitt-Cox Barge Hopper Barge 705 Sep-90 Active
K002 972534 PB 111B Pitt-Cox Barge Hopper Barge 705 Oct-90 Active
K003 982546 CM 100B Cox Marne Hopper Barge 705 1992 Active
K006 980302 Chem 166 Hollywood Marine Tank Barge 1,179 Aug-91 Now Kirby 16805
K007 980959 Chem 167 Hollywood Marine Tank Barge 1,179 Sep-91 Now Kirby 16806
K008 983105 New Jersey Responder Marine Spill Response Corp. OSRV 489 Apr-93 Active
K009 982107 Caribbean Responder Marine Spill Response Corp. OSRV 489 Apr-93 Now Mamola Responder (St. Vincent)
K010 983110 Oregon Responder Marine Spill Response Corp. OSRV 489 May-93 Active
K011 983113 Georgia Responder Marine Spill Response Corp. OSRV 489 May-93 Now Southern Responder
K012 986598 Chem 169 Hollywood Marine Tank Barge 1,378 Apr-92 Now Kirby 16808
K013 YR 91 U.S. Navy Repair Barge 825 Mar-93 Now YRBM 53
K014 991836 ATC 80 Allied Transportation Tank Barge 5,669 Apr-93 Later TMI 80, now Rigel
K015 996165 ATC 81 Allied Transportation Tank Barge 5,669 Oct-93 Now Pacific
K018 999754 Connecticut Moran Towing Tank Barge 3,141 Feb-94 Active
K019 Lone Star Casino Lone Star Casino Casino Barge Jan-94 Active
K020 Ensco XII Texas Drydock Drill Barge Apr-94 Hull only
K021 Ensco XIV Texas Drydock Drill Barge Apr-94 Hull only
K022 Ensco XV Texas Drydock Drill Barge May-94 Hull only
K023 1024004 Marmac 11 McDonough Marine Deck Barge 2,891 Jul-94 Active
K024 1024657 Marmac 12 McDonough Marine Deck Barge 2,891 Nov-94 Active
K025 1025224 Marmac 14 McDonough Marine Deck Barge 2,891 Dec-94 Now Cross Mar 14
K026 1025077 Megan Victoria Raytheon Ebasco Overseas Power Barge 3,472 Nov-94 Active


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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 8 April 2023