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Last of the Stonehookers, 10 December 1933.

Schooner Days CXVII (117)

By C.H.J. Snider

All things come to an end sometime and somewhere, and the list of the stonehooker fleet which was once the characteristic of Port Credit, here continues from those under the letter S to the final Zebra.









Good news of Port Moody.

Sir,-There’s two stone men up here, Harry Hill and Bob Crosby, now living retired.. Yes, I’ve known some fine men in the stone trade. My last was in the Good News of Sarnia- but save the old Lyman M. Davis if possible. I knew her last captain, when we both were in the South Bay-Toronto stone trade. Well ain’t you the brother of the lad who sailed the Wood Duck? That’s how I remember the name. With best wishes. A.E. Maude Port Moody, B. C.

Ans.,- Guilty with a strong recommendation for mercy.

The Reuben Doud

Sir- Sincere thanks to writer of Schooner Days for description of the “Reuben Doud” I had been waiting for a long time and at last it came. “Wild, Speedy and Erratic.” the enclosed sketch was sent to me by a friend as he saw it at Ward’s Island.

Mrs. C. Inwood, 386 Bleecker st.

Poor Mr. Smith

Dear Sir, In a great many respects I have a deep admiration for the Telegram. I read the paper when R. H. Fleming ran for Mayor, and I have been reading it ever since. I would never, willingly miss reading the articles written by C.H. J. Snider. My blood just tingles with his realism, but unfortunately this very realism so upsets the other factors in my make-up that I actually suffer.

Twice, while reading “Sampling Superior” I had to go down to the cellar to see if there was any fire in the furnace. The thermometer in the room stood at 70 degrees. Fah., but that didn’t mean anything when it was below zero when Mr. Snider had compelled me to go. Lord-that was a cold trip.

Will you ask Mr. Snider to either moderate his enthusiasm or let me know of an efficient preventative of ma-de-mer, so that I can read his articles and not only enjoy them, as I always do, but so that if he insists on my presence by his side on the dizzy deck I shall suffer no discomposure? Yours Truly S. Smith.

Survives sampling Superior.

Sir- Your articles as published on your trip on the Assiniboia were very interesting, as well as educational for those who may not be able to enjoy an upper Lakes trip in either winter or summer. I wish to congratulate you. I have travelled up and down several times and was on the Assinboia on her maiden trip (when I was only a kid), as well as several times since, and for some reason or other I like her very much better than her sister, the Keewatin. Why, I could not tell you as crews on both are as attentive and courteous as would seem possible. I hope you will receive many favorable comments.

(Dr.) J. W. Golding Brampton. Ont.

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The Canadian Collection

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