Some Titles referring to the Navy - American Civil War
Please note that we are actively adding to this collection, and will be updating the titles on this page from time to time. If you have books, magazines, post cards, photographs etc, that you may be prepared to donate, please see our "Donations" page
Title | Author | Publisher | ISBN | Year |
Civil War Naval Chronology | Hooper (ed), Edwin B | Pepartment of the Navy, Washington | 71-609471 | 1971 |
Navies, the | Miller, Francis Trevelyan | Castle Books | 1957 | |
Divided Waters | Musicant, Ivan | Castle Books | 0-7858-1210-5 | 2000 |
Naval History of the Civil War | Porter, Admiral David D. | Castle | 0-89009-575-2 | 1984 |
Abraham Lincoln, The war years, volume1 | Sandburg, Carl | Harcourt, Brace and Co | 1936 | |
Abraham Lincoln, The war years, volume2 | Sandburg, Carl | Harcourt, Brace and Co | 1936 | |
Abraham Lincoln, The war years, volume3 | Sandburg, Carl | Harcourt, Brace and Co | 1936 | |
Abraham Lincoln, The war years, volume4 | Sandburg, Carl | Harcourt, Brace and Co | 1936 | |
Memoirs of Service Afloat | Semmes, Raphael (Ed. JM Taylor) | Louisana Sate U. Press | 0-8071-2086-3 | 1996 |
History of the Confederate States Navy | Sharf, J. Thomas | Fairfax Press | 77-79652 | 1866 |
Two years on the Alabama | Sinclair, Arthur | Konecky and Konecky | 1-56852-185-5 | 1868 |
Iron Afloat | Still Jr., William N. | Vanderbilt | 0-8265-1161-9 | 1971 |
The above represents part of our holdings on this subject - these books are all available for consultation - some of the older titles may be handled only by a Curator, or by a Member who has received approved training in the handling of archival material. Biographies, engravings, paintings, charts, etc are not listed.
More references to naval matters may be found in: