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Some Titles referring to the navies

Please note that we are actively adding to this collection, and will be updating the titles on this page from time to time. If you have books, magazines, post cards, photographs etc, that you may be prepared to donate, please see our "Donations" page

Title Author Publisher ISBN Year
Battles with the Sea Ballantyne, R M James Nisbet and Co. Ltd   1908
In peril on the sea Bell, Robert Doubleday and Co 0-385-18378-X 1984
Wooden walls in action Bowen, Frank C. Halton and Company   1951
War at Sea, The Cant, Gilbert Norman John Day Company, NY   1942
Fleets behind the Fleet, The Dixon, W. MacNeile Hodder and Stoughton   1917
On the Bottom Ellsberg, Edward Dodd, Mead and Co   1944
Warships of the First World War Fitzsimons, Bernard (ed) Marshall Cavendish   1974
Jahrbuch der deutschen kriegsmarine Gadow (Ed.), D.R. Berlag von Breikopf and Härtel in Leipzig   1939
Wonder Book of the Navy, The Golding, Harry Ward, Lock and Co   1928
Empire of the North Atlantic Graham, Gerald S University of Toronto Press   1950
People's Navy, The Hagan, Kenneth J. Free Press / Macmillan 0-02-913470-6 1991
Submarine, the illustrated history of Horton, Edward Doubleday and Co 0-385-05614-1 1974
Fleet that had to Die, The Hough, Richard Nel 00-45000347-7 1969
A History of Fighting Ships Hough, Richard Octopus Book Limited 0-7064-0303-7 1969
U-Boats Offshore Hoyt, Edwin P. Stein and Day   1978
Destroyers, Frigates and Corvettes Jackson, Robert Barnes and Noble 0-7607-1995-0 2000
Submarines of the World Jackson, Robert Barnes and Noble 0-7607-1992-6 2000
World's Great Battleships, The Jackson, Robert Brown Books 1-897884-60-5 2000
Flying Sailor, The Jubelin, André Hurst and Blackett, ltd   1951
Price of Admiralty, The Keegan, John Viking Press 0-670-81416-4 1988
War-Ships and Navies of the World, 1880 King, J.W. Naval Institute Press 0-87021-943-X 1982
Warrior, the world's first ironclad Lambert, Andrew Naval Institute Press 0-87021-986-3 1987
Day of Infamy Lord ,Walter Wordsworth 1-85326-670-1 1957
Ship, The Vol 8, - Steam, Steel and torpedoes Lyon, David HMSO 0-11-290318-5 1981
Battle of the Atlantic, The Macintyre, Donald Pan Books 0 330 20371 3 1961
Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1783 Mahan, A.T. Dover Publications 0-486-25509-3 1890
Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire Volume I Mahan, A.T. Little, Brown and Co   1892
Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire Volume II Mahan, A.T. Little, Brown and Co   1892
Two-Ocean War, The Morison, Samuel Eliot Little, Brown LoC 63-8307 1963
DreadOught To Nuclear Submarine National Maritime Museum National Maritime Museum 0-11-290319-3 1980
Champagne Navy Nolan, Street, Brian, Brian Jeffrey Random House 0-394-22141-9 1991
Warships Polmar and Friedman, Norman and Norman Octopus Books 0-7064-1665-1 1981
Ship, The Vol 9, - Dreadnought to nuclear submarine Preston, Antony HMSO 0-11-290319-3 1981
Jane's Fighting Ships of World War II Preston, Antony Jane's Publishing company 1-851-70494-9 1989
Royal Tour, The Price, Harry William Morrow and Company 0-688-03667-8 1901
Canadians at War 1939/45, The - Vol 1 Readers Digest The Reader's Digest 0-88850-161-7 1969
Tools of War, The Readers Digest The Reader's Digest 0-88850-148-X 1969
With blood and iron Reeman, Douglas Hutchinson 0-09-105660-8 1964
Command Of the Sea (part 1 of 2) Reynolds, Clark G. Krieger 0-89874-628-0 1983
Command Of the Sea (part 2 of 2) Reynolds, Clark G. Krieger 0-89874-629-9 1983
Queens Regulations and Admiralty Instructions RN HMSO   1953
Who sank Surcouf? Rusbridger, James Century 0-7126-3975-6 1991
SeaPower Seitelman, Mi Motorbooks International 0-87938-304-6 1988
Navy and Its Chaplains in the Days of Sail, The Smith, Waldo E. The Ryerson Press   1961
Leaf upon the Sea, A Stead, Gordon W University of British Columbia 0-7748-0299-5 1988
Count Luckner the Sea Devil Thomas, Lowell Garden City Publishing Co.   1927
Modern Naval Warfare Walmer, Max Prentice Hall Press 0-13-451170-0 1989
Iron Coffins Werner, Herbert A Holt, Rinehart and Winston 03-081322-0 1969
They were expendable Whiteley, W.L. Harcourt, Brace and Co   1942
King's Cutter, A Woodman, Richard Sphere Books Ltd.   1982
At war with the smugglers Arnold-Forster, D. Conway Maritime Press 0-85177-011-8 1936
Fleet that had to die, The Hough, Richard Viking Press 58-9650 1958
Naval Warfare Thursfield, James R. Cambridge University Press   1913
Casabianca l'Herminier, Captain de Vaisseau E.F.E   1943

The above represents part of our holdings on this subject - these books are all available for consultation - some of the older titles may be handled only by a Curator, or by a Member who has received approved training in the handling of archival material. Biographies, engravings, paintings, charts, etc are not listed.

More references to naval matters may be found in:



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Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 16 May 2012