Some Titles referring to the Royal Navy
Please note that we are actively adding to this collection, and will be updating the titles on this page from time to time. If you have books, magazines, post cards, photographs etc, that you may be prepared to donate, please see our "Donations" page
Title | Author | Publisher | ISBN | Year |
Tall ship on other Naval occasions, A | Bartimeus | Cassel | 1919 | |
Navy Eterna, The | Bartimeus | Hodder and Staughton | 1918 | |
Naval Occasions | Bartimeus, | Williamm Blackwood and Sons | 1915 | |
Sea Passages | Calendar (Ed.), Geoffrey | Cambridge University Press | 1943 | |
Memoirs of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford (Vol I) | Charles Beresford | Little, Brown and Co | 1914 | |
Memoirs of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford (Vol II) | Charles Beresford | Little, Brown and Co | 1914 | |
Royal Navy, The-Volume Four | Clowes, William Laird | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-013-2 | 1899 |
Royal Navy, The - Volume five | Clowes, William Laird | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-014-0 | 1900 |
Royal Navy, The - Volume six | Clowes, William Laird | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-015-9 | 1901 |
Royal Navy, The - Volume seven | Clowes, William Laird | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-016-7 | 1903 |
Sands of Dunkirk, The | Collier, Richard | E.P. Dutton | 61-12472 | 1964 |
Royal Navy in Focus 1950-1959 | Critchley (ed), Mike | maritime Books | 1981 | |
Lower Deck | Davies, John Lt RNVR | Macmillan | 1945 | |
H.M. U-Boat | Drummond, John D. | A Tattoo Book | 0-427-00303-2 | 1959 |
Great Mutiny, The | Dugan, James | G.P. Putnam's Sons | 65-22126 | 1965 |
Hunting the Bismarck | Forester, C.S. | Michael Joseph | 1959 | |
Submarine Upholder | Hartog, Sydney | Oldbourne Book Co Ltd | 1960 | |
Battle for the Falklands | Hastings, Jenkins, Max, Simon | W.W. Norton | 0-393-01761-3 | 1983 |
Battle for the Falklands, The | Hastings, Max and Simon Jenkins | W.W. Norton | 0-393-01761-3 | 1983 |
Frigates, The | Henderson, James | Dodd, Mead & Company | 1971 | |
British Vessels lost at sea | HMSO | Patrick Stephens | 0-85059-659-9 | 1947 |
Shetland Bus, The | Howarth,David | Nelson | 1958 | |
Old Oak - the life of John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent | James, Adm Sir William | Longmans, Green and Co | 1950 | |
History of the Royal navy, A | Kemp, Peter K. | GP Putnam's sons | 1969 | |
Sea Warfare | Kipling, Rudyard | Macmillan and Co | 1916 | |
Battleships in transition | Lambert, Andrew | Conway Maritime Press | 0-85177-315-x | 1984 |
Grammar of Politics | Laski, Harold J | George Allen &Unwin, Ltd | 1925 | |
British Escort Ships | Lenton, H | Arco Publishing Co., Inc. | 0-668-03609-5 | 1974 |
History of the British Navy, The | Lewis, Michael | George Allen &Unwin, Ltd | 1957 | |
Naval Yarns | Long, W.H. | Gibbings and Co, London | 1899 | |
Miracle of Dunkirk, The | Lord, Walter | Viking Penguin | 0-670-28630-3 | 1982 |
Naval customs, traditions and usage | Lovette, Leland P | US Naval Institute | 1934 | |
Barlow's journal of his life at sea in king's ships Volume I | Lubbock, Basil | Hurst and Blackett, ltd | 1934 | |
Barlow's journal of his life at sea in king's ships Volume II | Lubbock, Basil | Hurst and Blackett, ltd | 1934 | |
Formative Centuries, The | Marcus, G.J. | Little, Brown and Co | 1961 | |
East of Malta, West of Suez | Ministry of Information, | HMSO | 1943 | |
Devil himself, The | Pope, Dudley | Martin Secker | 0-436-37751-9 | 1987 |
73 North | Pope, Dudley | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 1958 | |
Hornblower's Navy, Life at Sea in the Age Nelson | Pope, Steve | Orion | 0-75281-774-4 | 1998 |
Mr Punch's history of the Great War | Punch, Mr | Cassell and Co | 1919 | |
Escort Commander | Robertson, Terence | Nelson Doubleday | 1956 | |
British Seas, The | Russell, W. Clark | MacMillan Company | 1894 | |
Trafalgar, Countdown to Battle, 1803-1805 | Schom, Alan | OUP | 91-46639 | 1990 |
Hard Lying | Smith, Peter | William Kimber | 0-7183-0192-7 | 1971 |
Royal Oak Disaster, The | Snyder, Gerald S. | Presidio Press | 0-7183 0005X | 1976 |
Andrew and the Onions, The | Stranach, Lt. Cdr. Ian | University of Toronto Press | 1990 | |
Making of CS Forester's Horatio Hornblower | Tom McGregor | Harper Entertainment | 0-060107357-1 | 1998 |
Naval Chronicles, The Volume I | Tracy, Nicholas(ed) | Chatham Publishing | 0-86176-091-4 | 1988 |
Naval Chronicles, The Volume II | Tracy, Nicholas(ed) | Chatham Publishing | 0-86176-092-2 | 1988 |
Naval Chronicles, The Volume III | Tracy, Nicholas(ed) | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-093-0 | 1999 |
Naval Chronicles, The Volume IV | Tracy, Nicholas(ed) | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-094-9 | 1999 |
Naval Chronicles, The Volume V | Tracy, Nicholas(ed) | Chatham Publishing | 1-86176-095-7 | 1999 |
Royal Navy and the Slavers, The | Ward, W.E.F. | Schoken Books | 1970 | |
Will not we fear | Warren and Benson, C.E.T and James | White Lion | 85617-130-1 | 1961 |
Stirring Deeds of Britain's Sea-Dogs | Wheeler, Harold F.B. | George G. Harrap & Company | 1916 | |
Ultra Secret, The | Winterbotham, F.W. | Dell | 1975 | |
An illustrated History of the Royal Navy | Winton, John | Salamander Book | 1-84065-218-7 | 1999 |
The above represents part of our holdings on this subject - these books are all available for consultation - some of the older titles may be handled only by a Curator, or by a Member who has received approved training in the handling of archival material. Biographies, engravings, paintings, charts, etc are not listed.
More references to naval matters may be found in: