Art and photographs
Our online library catalogue is available here. Given the complexities of indexing, the following extracts from our database are only very partial. Please also see separately the books, magazines, etc that are for exchange or sale as duplicates or surplus to our requirements. Enquiries about our holdings are welcome.
Paintings, watercolours, engravings, etc
J.M.W. Turner, Jean-Jérôme Baugean, Frank Braynard, John Spurling, Nicholas Hornyansky, Tom Manning, F. Leo Hunter, Yves Berubé, David MacIntosh, John Crittenden, Henri Rivière, Robert James Pailthorpe, R.D. Wilson, P. Sigal, Currier and Ives, etc. Please enquire
Our collection of art references and catalogues is extensive.
Prints, etc
Photographs, etc
The Raymond McIntosh Collection, Palisander Collection, Stormy Weather Collection, the Ross Richardso aeronautical collection, General Collection, various.