Naval Marine Archive - The Canadian Collection
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Serials, journals and magazines

Our online library catalogue is available here. Given the complexities of indexing, the following extracts from our database are designed as a starting point and are only partial. Please also see separately the books, magazines, etc that are for exchange or sale as duplicates or surplus to our requirements. Enquiries about our holdings are welcome.

Magazines, journals, etc

The Robert W. "Bob" Davis Collection: and a short biography.
The Robert "Bob" Todd Collection and a short biography.
WoodenBoat - complete collection
The Ladies' Collection
The Stephen R. de Chene Collection and a short biography.
Nautical Quarterly - complete collection
The Ross Richardson Collection and a short biography.
Aeroplane magazine - Early years, 1911-1959, notes, follow up and cataloguing
Flight magazine - Flight (and Flight International), notes and cataloguing
Flying magazine - Flying (1912-1922), notes and cataloguing.
Journal of the [Royal] Aeronautical Society - 1897 onwards, notes and cataloguing.
Wind-sock magazine - Wind-sock, notes and cataloguing.
General and Stormy Weather collection and a short history of Stormy Weather:
American Neptune - Our collection is complete complete, with the exception of two special supplements.
Argonauta - complete collection
The Beaver - extensive collection
Boating magazine
Boating World - partial collection
Boatman magazine - complete collection
Bulletin of Marine Science - partial collection
Canadian Geographical Journal - extensive collection
Canadian Historical Review - general
Canadian Historical Review - the Rebellion of 1837-38
Canadian Sailings
Canadian Yachting
Chasse-Marée - partial collection - including new publications, reprints and artwork
Classic Boat - complete to 9/99
County Magazine - complete collection
Crow's Nest and Crowsnest collection - RCN news
Cruising World magazine
Deep-Sea Research
Fair Winds
Fisherman Life - complete collection
GAM On Yachting
Geographical Journal
Good Old Boat
Great Lakes Fisherman - a complete set
The Illustrated London News
Inland Seas - research articles on the Great Lakes; shipping etc.
International Journal of Maritime History - Journal of the International Maritime Economic History Association
Jane's Defense Weekly
Journal de la Marine Marchande
Journal of American History
L'escale - revue maritime
Log of Mystic Seaport
Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors
Marine Policy
Mariner's Mirror - complete collection
Mariner Life - complete collection
Marines: Yachting - Guerre - Commerce
Maritime Life and Traditions - complete collection
Motor Boat and Yachting formerly Motor Boat - partial collection
Motor Boating and Sailing formerly Motor Boating - partial collection
Motor Ship
Nautical Magazine
The Naval Chronicle (1799-1819) - complete set of first editions
Naval History - near complete collection
Naval Institute Proceedings - USNI, extensive from 1935
Newcomen Society of North America - papers and addresses
The Northern Mariner - complete collection
Oceans Magazine - complete collection
Ontario History - Papers and Records - Ontario Historical Society, complete collection
Ontario Sailor
The Polar Record - journal of the Scott Polar Research Institute.
Ports and Harbours
The Royal Cruising Club Journal - nearly complete collection
The Rudder - very extensive collection
Sail magazine
Sailing Canada
The Sailor - magazine of the Navy League of Canada, 1918-1934.
Sea Breezes Magazine - near complete collection
Sea Chest - complete collection
Sea Classics - complete collection
Sea Frontiers - near complete collection
Seahorse - the official magazine of the Royal Ocean Racing Club
Seaport - the magazine of South Street Seaport
Seaports and the Shipping World
The Skipper
Small Boat Journal - complete collection
Transactions of S.N.A.M.E. - complete 1893-2014
Stem to Stern
Warship - The British serial, quarterly and annual, from January 1977 until ....
Westcoast Mariner and Westcoast Fisherman
The Yacht - the US edition first published 1984
Yachting Monthly magazine - under varying titles from 1898 onwards...
Yachting World magazine
Yachting - very extensive collection
Yachtsman - a limited collection
[The Society holds some 250,000 journals , magazines, periodicals etc. Others, not listed above include Boat Building, Boat International, Canadian Tall Ships, Classic Yacht Regatta (Antigua, Pamphlets), Der Yacht, Harpers, Latitudes and Attitudes, Life Boat, Lifeboat, Light House, Maritime Policy and Management, Model Boats, Model Engineer, Motor Boating (and Sailing), Naval Architect, Neptune, Neptune-nautisme, Ocean Navigator, Ocean Voyager, Porthole, Practical Sailor, Professional Mariner, Professional Navigator, Seafarers, Ship and Boat International, Ships And Ship Models, Ships in Scale, Ships Monthly, Sports Afield, Tallships, Voiles et Voiliers, Warship Technology, Yachts And Yachting, etc


Arms of the Naval Marine Archive

Our Coat of Arms;
Motto "Futurum ex præterito" (Saint Augustine)

Some pages are very recent, some date back twenty years and may or may not have been reviewed and/or edited recently; we appreciate any suggestions for improvements.


Naval Marine ArchiveThe Canadian Collection
205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K2T0, Canada
Telephone: 1 613 476 1177
E-mail: for comments, queries and suggestions.

Copyright © 2025
Naval Marine Archive
The Canadian Collection

Revised: 3 June 2022