Guide to Sources for Research into the Royal Canadian Air Force
Authorized accounts
While not accorded the status of "official" histories, these works were either prepared by or commissioned for the Department for interim use until the appearance of the "official" volumes. The inferences drawn and the opinions expressed are those of the authors themselves, and the Department of National Defence is in no way responsible for their reading or presentation of the facts as stated.
From White-caps to Contrails : a history of a modern air formation : CFB Shearwater. (Dartmouth, N.S. : Canadian Forces Base Shearwater, 1981)
History of the squadrons at Shearwater, Canadian Forces Base. Military--Canada, 406 Squadron -- Canada, 423 Squadron -- Canada, 443 Squadron -- Canada, 880 Squadron -- Canada, Military -- Canada, Regimental History -- Canada, Royal Canadian Air Force, Squadron History -- Canada, VU-32 Squadron -- Canada.
Canadian military aircraft : serials & photographs 1920-1968 == Avions militaires canadiens; numéros de série et photographies 1920-1968 : John A. Griffin. (Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1969)
A definitive work, containing a register of serials and photographs, representing eight years of work by a past president of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society.